Immagine Segreteria Didattica
Arrangements for access to platform
di Segreteria Didattica - venerdì, 11 settembre 2009, 12:12
This is the login page to Scuola IaD Master Degrees distance-learning activities.
Please enter your registration number as username into the top right Login box. Now enter the password, which was assigned to you when enrolling.

We would like to remind you that Scuola IaD administrative offices use the e-mail account you pointed out when enrolling. We therefore suggest you check your e-mail box often, and promptly communicate any possible changes.

If you wish to contact Scuola IaD for any information regarding the educational activities, please write to:

If you wish to contact the administrative offices, please turn to one of the following:
tel 06 72594881-2
fax 06 72679582

The Main Office